
Achtung - Für deutschsprachige Kunden

Achtung - Für deutschsprachige Kunden

MK Oktavia ist stolz darauf, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, das wir Ihnen ab nächste Saison(2013-2014) deutschsprachige Tauchlehrer anbieten können. Obwohl die meisten Deutschen auch der englischen Sprache mächtig sind, ist es mit Sicherheit ein Vorteil, wenn die Kurse und Tauchausflüge in der Muttersprache angeboten werden.

Nur einige ausgewählte Tauschschulen, die auf die Similan Island fahren, bieten diesen Service. Deshalb erwarten wir ein höheres Buchungsaufkommen. Um unerwünschte Wartezeiten zu vermeiden, bitte wir Sie, rechtzeitig Ihren Ausflug mit deutschsprachigen Tauchlehrern zu buchen.

German-Speaking Customers Can Now Enjoy Dive Trips & Courses in Their Own Language

Oktavia, one of Khao Lak’s premier liveaboard diving boats is now proud to offer German-speaking Divemaster guides and instructors. Although most German native speakers are competent in English, it is certainly beneficial to learn a sport such as scuba diving in your mother tongue. As well as learning to dive in German, there is a very important aspect of liveaboard diving in The Similan Islands for qualified scuba divers who are enjoying ‘fun diving’ on Oktavia. This aspect is the pre-dive briefing, where the Divemaster will explain to his or her group where the dive will take place, the possible hazards to look out for and the marine life and topography to experience. Scuba diving in Thailand is a wonderful experience but in 99% of cases, the divers can’t speak to each other underwater. There are various signs and symbols for the more popular fish and invertebrates, but these are easily forgotten or confused, especially when the Divemaster guide is pointing at something his or her divers are not familiar with. Frogfish, Ghost Pipefish, Seahorses, and Nudibranchs are classic examples. If the divers are aware of what they might see and which signs refer to which beforehand, they are far more likely to understand and enjoy their dive. Hearing their pre-dive briefing in their own language is ideal for this very reason, and it also helps their confidence to ask questions, too.

Oktavia crew and staff normally run courses and dive briefings in English, and will continue to do so, but those divers who prefer to do this in German can now choose.

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